AWWA C504-2015 Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves This standard covers rubber-seated butterfly valves, 3 in. (75 mm) through 72 in. (1,800 mm) in diameter, with various body and end types, for fresh and reclaimed water having a pH range from 6 to 12 and a temperature range from 33 to 125F (0.6 to 52C). AWWA C104-2016/ANSI A21.4-2016 Standard for Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings This standard provides the minimum requirements for shop-applied, cementûmortar linings for ductile-iron pipe and ductile-iron This standard describes shop-applied, cement-mortar linings specified in the ANSI/AWWA C100/A21 series of standards for ductile-iron pipe and ductile-iron and gray-iron fittings for potable water, raw water, wastewater, and reclaimed K-TORK AWWA – Pneumatic rotary vane C540-08 valve actuators – recommended specification Back Document Number: PUB097-006 Please select a language and/or file type from the list below. language File Type(s) AWWA C500-09 Metal Seated Gate Valves For Water Supply Service This standard describes iron-body, brass-mounted, nonrising-stem … 6(59,&( $&&(66 $1' 6$)(7< ,I LW LV GHWHUPLQHG WKDW YDOYH VHUYLFLQJ LV UHTXLUHG IXOO DFFHVV WR WKH YDOYH DQG RSHUDWRU PXVW EH SURYLGHG WR SHUPLW DQ HIILFLHQW DQG HIIHFWLYH UHSDLU ,Q WKH
Alibaba.comで最もいい価格で高品質なAwwa標準メーカーAwwa標準サプライヤーとAwwa標準製品を検索します Awwa C504 ラグタイプ Api609 バタフライバルブレバーオペレータ , Find Complete Details about Awwa C504 ラグタイプ Api609 バタフライバルブレバーオペレータ,鋳鉄バタフライバルブ、ラグタイプバタフライバルブ、鋳鉄ラグバタフライバルブ from Valves Supplier or Manufacturer-Shanxi Solid Industrial Co., Ltd. 金沢市の賃貸情報は金沢賃貸ナビ。金沢大学、北陸大学、金沢美術工芸大学、金沢学院大学、金沢星稜大学、北陸学院大学周辺の学生アパート・学生マンション情報を多数掲載。 Fittings conform to ANSI A21.10/AWWA C-110 for center-to-end dimensions and AWWA C-153 or ANSI A21.10/AWWA C-110 for wall thickness.
While most requirements are specified “black” or non-coated, fittings can be supplied with an alkyd-phenolic primer, or bituminous coating. Coal tar epoxy and other coatings are also available. Alibaba.comで最もいい価格で高品質なAwwaバタフライバルブメーカーAwwaバタフライバルブサプライヤーとAwwaバタフライバルブ製品を検索します
AWWA C508-09 Swing-Check Valves For Waterworks Service 2-In Through 24-In (50-Mm Through 600-Mm) Nps This standard covers only iron-body, bronze-mounted, nonassisted, swing-check valves, 2-24 in. 2020/07/15 (76 mm), for Water ServiceANSI/AWWA C504-06- Rubber-Sealed Butterfly ValvesANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10-08- Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings View Contents (PDF) Contact us Subject E-mail address Message Cart products RICOH MP C3504/C3004用ソフトウェア(Windows 10 (64ビット))の検索結果です。 通常は標準プリンタードライバーとしてRPCSドライバーをお選びください。 RPCSドライバー Ver. ダウンロード 高度なグラフィックス処理を可能にした ANSI/AWWA C515-09 Reduced-Wall, Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service American Water Works Association / 01-Nov-2009 / 40 pages This standard covers reduced wall, resilient-seated gate valves with
INTRODUCTION TO PIPING A.7 AWWA Ratings The American Water Works Association (AWWA) publishes standards and speci- fications The ratings used may be in accordance with the flange ratings of AWWA C207, Steel Pipe Flanges; or the rating could be based and larger 2 AWWA C501-92 Sluice gate Cast iron AWWA Standard for Cast- A126, A48 Iron Sluice Gates A.476 AWWA C504-945 a.
ANSI/AWWA C515-09 Reduced-Wall, Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service American Water Works Association / 01-Nov-2009 / 40 pages This standard covers reduced wall, resilient-seated gate valves with ABAW-AWWA C504 and C517 AB-CS - Continuously Submerged AB-SS - Stainless Steel WG-SS - Stainless Steel ABM - Quarter-Turn Motorised WGS - Quarter-Turn Subsea 232 - Quarter-Turn Aluminium ILG-D - Declutchable Back to AWWA C509-09 Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service This standard describes iron-body, resilient-seated gate valves with nonrising stems (NRS) and outside screw-and-yoke (OS&Y) rising stems, including tapping gate valves, for water supply service having a temperature range of 33º-125ºF (0.6º- 52ºC). PUB033-010: ABAW-AWWA C504 and C517 Product Brochure AWWA C504 Sizing Guide: AWWA C504 Sizing Guide ※pdf、jpegのファイル形式に対応。 ※2016年8月時点。順次追加予定。 ※原稿ガラスでコピーする時のみ使用できます。 カードの表面・裏面を読み取り、 用紙の上下に集約してコピーする 機能です。例えば免許証や保険証 などの控えをとる際に便利です。 pub-iw12is12ib4awwa agr1.pdf: iw12 is12 ib4 awwa c504-06 quarter turn gearbox 1800, 1920, 2160 & 2400:1 ratios manual input with fa14 flange: fa40/fa48 baseplate
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